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Bella looked at David Wilson, and she couldn't believe what she had just heard, "Are you really willing to divorce me?"

"You have to come to meet me whenever I call you." David Wilson added.

"What if I'm at work?" Bella still didn't believe it. He agreed to divorce so suddenly, and she couldn't cherish the feeling of getting success, in the contrary, she was scared.

"I'll not call you during working hours." David Wilson said in a deep voice.

"How long will it last?" Bella asked immediately.

"You don't have the right to negotiate with me. It will last as long as I want. But, if you do not agree, you can choose to not divorce me." David Wilson smiled, but his eyes were empty. "It would be better for you to agree because at present I don't particularly want a divorce."

"Okay, I agree. I am going to the Civil Affairs Bureau for divorce. I will leave you without any compensation. I will bring my residence booklet with me." Bella immediately agreed.

David Wilson's heart had a strange kind of feeling, as he had borne an indescribable loss. He walked ahead.

Bella was afraid that he would change his mind, and she hurriedly followed him.

David Wilson went back to the villa to get the residence booklet and marriage certificate. He drove the car to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau, the closer he was to Civil Affairs Bureau, the more he felt that he really didn't want to divorce Bella.

After their divorce, she would marry another man, will become someone else's wife, will cook for someone else, and will give birth to someone else's child. The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became.

"After divorce, will you get married immediately?" David Wilson asked in a cold voice.

"No," Bella said definitely.

David Wilson looked at Bella. She was innocent, and her skin was soft and pure. The sun rays were falling on her side face, and her bright skin were looking even brighter. David felt some faint palpitation in his heart.

Bella was very beautiful. That's why when he saw her for the first time, he decided to marry her instead of Emma.

But at that time, he didn't know that she was nothing in Richard Johnson's heart.

"What if I said that I will end all my marital affairs and will not do such thing with other women in the future? Will you still ask for divorce?" David Wilson asked.

His voice seemed upset. Maybe this was the first time that he asked something humbly. Most of the time, his tone and behavior remained filled with arrogance.

"I am just joking." At the next moment, David Wilson added immediately.

He said that before Bella could say anything, but he regretted his words. Maybe Bella would agree to not divorce. But now he has blocked all his roads.

Soon, they reached the Civil Affairs Bureau.

He followed Bella and was feeling very confused.

In the end, he wanted to show his good aspecte. "You don't have to leave without anything. I'll transfer the ownership of that house in which you lived to you. You can live there. I'll give you one million. You can have a better life."

"No, your money is yours, and you earn it hard by yourself, soI don't need it." Bella refused.

David Wilson stared at Bella. He wished that Bella demand too much so that his heart would feel a little better. But she said that she didn't want anything, no compensation for her any loss.

"You're so stubborn. It's not good for you at all. I am giving it to you willingly, and you should take it, got it?" David Wilson quickly walked to her side.

Bella smiled. "We always see things with our own eyes and think with our own brains, and we really don't know what the other side really wants. Thank you, Mr. Wilson for your kindness, but I really don't need it."

Mr. Wilson, such an estranged appelation, made him feel much uncomfortable.