The Police knocked on the front door of the Dakbungalow where Tanya's parents weretemporarily in residence. "Mr. Jhuman, I am inspector Rannat and these three are my assistants fromthe local Police Station. I am sorry to wake you at three in the morning. I am aware you are a renownedsocial worker and an upright citizen. We are actually looking for your daughter Tanya. Is she here orhas she been here?"
Mr. Jhuman blinked in the bright light from the portico and appeared disoriented. His sixthsense told him the Police only visit at these unearthly hours if they want to pick up the perpetrator ofsome serious crime. "Tanya is not here" he said, and it was the truth, ogling without his glasses heasked. "Why, what has she done?"
"We need to take her in for questioning. It is really the person with her that we are seriouslylooking for. Do you mind if we look around inside the house - we can only do so with yourpermission?"
They left a half hour later with an old photo of Tanya when she was twelve years old.Jhuman plunked down in the cane backed easy-chair on the verandah. He was worried. Whathad his darling daughter been up to? God! He rubbed his face and scratched his beard. He'd better keepthis to himself.